Come in.

Sit down.

What’ll it be?

Welcome to the Workbench.

We’ve all seen great content and television that highlight some amazing cocktail recipes and the bartenders that make them. And kudos to them all – they are all the product of some seriously hard work and incredibly talented individuals.

But something seems to be missing from all those other sites and shows. Like, what happens after the first sip?

Because for all of us here at the Workbench, a great cocktail is only the beginning of the experience. Sure, we expect the drink in our hand to be exceptional, but what we most love about hospitality and bars are the conversations that happen around the cocktails – the camaraderie of happy hour, the intrigue of a dark, secluded booth, the welcoming of the stranger and the making of new friends.

So we went to our workbench and built The Workbench.

We’re glad you’ve made it. Now let’s pour you a conversation or two…

It’s called “SOCIAL” media for a reason…

Every cocktail is a short story in a glass…

It should open with a good name, a promising nose, and an engaging first sip. The name , just like a good title, should pique your interest. The nose should engage you like a good opening sentence, should immediately reassure you that you’re in good hands. And that first sip, like a great first paragraph, should let you know this is absolutely going to be worth your while.

But it goes on from there.There should be complexity. The villains are just as important as the heroes in any good story. There needs to be a balance between the sour and the sweet, the bitter and the body.

Most importantly, the experience should be a journey. Maybe the flavor of your Manhattan or Martini opens up as the drink moves toward room temperature. Maybe that initial puckering tartness of your Paloma softens with the dilution of the ice. In any case, like any good story, your drink should develop as you go, and arrive at a place different from where you began.

And, finally, the reward of a great ending is the chance to read something else by the same author…